pqrstuvwyz{|}~~~2Welcome to 5 !"#$%&'()*+,-./THG Intro Maker V2.0 !!!2pqrstuvwyz{|}~~~ As you have already seen, you can change both the color and font of the scroller 4񐑒"on the fly". 2񠡢Now to change speeds of this scroller to speed 4 ......................speed 8 .............................a complete stop and back to speed 2. SNow the scroller should be not moving Up/Down and kinda looks like Intro Maker V1.0 but now to make it look more like it...1 Now it has the LOOK AND FEEL of Intro Maker V1.0 with this 8x8 font. D4Just a few more things to show you and then you're on your own! Here is the step rate increase.............I hope that isn't too much===================================Ok back to normal now. Hope you use this program because it took alot of time to write. If you have any problems/suggestions call me at my BBS - 3񀁂The Warriors Guild BBS 708-653-18392 !"#$%&'()*+,-./ --------------------=====> WRAP <=====----------------------